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Big Ideas in Social Studies

  • Recognizes how universal economic concepts throughout the world influence economic behavior(How do worldwide profit-making ideas impacts attempts to make a profit?).

  • Describe how various political systems throughout the world define the rights & responsibilities of the individual & groups (How do governments around the world define the role of individuals & groups?).

  • Demonstrates an understanding of how societies have changed over time (How do societies change over time?).

  • Determine the role and elements of culture in societies (How does culture & cultural change affect society throughout time?).

  • Interpret historical trends, periods of time and the relationships among these elements (How do people, societies, and/or circumstances impact history?).

  • Evaluates how & why people create and change systems of power (How & why do people put individuals or governments in charge?).

  • Determine how geography & human interactions create culture & define regions (How are regions & a group’s culture impacted by geography & human interactions?).

  • Recognize the role of technology on the development of societies (How does technology affect how societies grow and change?).

  • Identify cause and effect relationships in order to interpret events and issues (How are events & issues shaped by cause & effect relationships?).

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